Types and Uses Of Landscape Mulch
As you drive around the Heartland, you see that most
landscape beds are covered with some sort of mulch. Although many people
consider decorative gravels as mulch, I would like to define landscape mulch as
an organic material that is used as a ground cover. There are a number of
different mulches to choose from. Perhaps I can help you discover the facts
about different mulches and make your selection a little easier.
Mulches are used in landscape beds for a myriad of different
reasons. First, mulch enhances the aesthetic look of a landscape. In addition a
thick layer of mulch helps hold moisture in the soil. This water holding
capacity is especially important during droughts and when trees and shrubs are
first planted.
Probably one of the most important reasons to use mulch is
to control weeds that seem to continually come up in your landscape beds. Mulch
also controls erosion that could develop if the soils between shrubs would
remain bare.
Mulch keeps plant roots cool during the hot part of the
summer and warm during the coldest parts of the winter. In addition, mulch
around a tree or shrub seems to be a visible barrier for the weed eater
operator who wants to get as close as possible to trees and shrubs.
Of all the different kinds of mulch available, hardwood bark
mulch seems to be the most popular, undoubtedly due to is low cost. It is the
least expensive mulch found in the Heartland. Every sawmill in the Heartland
produces hardwood bark mulch as a bi-product of the milling operation. Because
it is so plentiful and local, hardwood buck mulch seems to be the mulch of
There are some drawbacks to hardwood bark mulch. Pest
control companies say that this mulch attracts termites. I doubt that it
attracts termites, but there is no natural termite repellent in hardwood bark
mulch. If termites are in the area, they will certainly like the addition to
their home range.
Hardwood bark mulch tends to deteriorate rapidly, and often
forms an impervious layer on the surface of the mulch bed. This impervious
layer often contributes to the demise of azaleas and rhododendrons.
Cedar and cypress mulches are also available in the
Heartland. Both of these woods have natural insect repellents present. In
addition these mulches do not breakdown as rapidly as hardwood bark mulch.
Many gardeners like to use pine bark mulch, pine mini
nuggets, or pine nuggets. The mulch is similar in appearance of hardwood bark
mulch, but it does not form an impervious layer, as does hardwood bark mulch.
The nuggets and mini nuggets are just larger particles of bark, great for use
around azaleas and rhododendrons. Unfortunately the nuggets and mini nuggets
blow in the wind and can be moved easily during a heavy rainstorm.
I have just mentioned a few mulches that you can find on the
market. In addition to the ones mentioned you can use gravels, colored mulch
which is ground up used pallets and dyed, rubber mulch which is ground up used
tires, leaves, grass clippings, sawdust, and wood chips.
Let me caution you about using mulch with a high content of
wood or uncompensated leaf matter. The fungi that decompose wood and leaf
matter require a lot of nitrogen to do their thing. This nitrogen is absorbed
from the soil below the mulch. The depletion of soil nitrogen can be extremely
detrimental to shrubs and trees growing in the raw mulch.
When you mulch use about a three to four inch layer. Make
sure you keep the mulch an inch or two away from the stem of trees and shrubs.
If you put the mulch up on the stem, the stem will slow rot due to all of the
excess moisture, and your trees and shrubs will slowly die.
Mulch is not always a cure all. Its presence can cause problems.
If your area is naturally wet, layers of mulch will inhibit soil drying. Plants
in that area can actually drown during wet seasons.
One other problem shows up in hardwood bark mulch. Sometimes
fungi grow on the mulch in warm wet weather. This disgusting looking fungus
looks like an animal vomited in your landscape. In order to reduce this
problem, occasionally stir the mulch to allow air to get into it. This should
reduce the fungus problem.
I have given you a lot of information about organic mulch. I
hope this helps you select the right mulch for your landscape.
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